
My Favorite Healing Tool (Aside from the Mind)

Studies show regular sauna use decreases the risk of all-cause mortality by 40%! This means that regular sauna use decreases the risk of EVERY DISEASE…

Would You Die For Your Loved Ones?

As many of you noticed on Sunday, I put up a poll on Instagram, asking how many of you would be willing to lay down…

Releasing Unprocessed Emotions to Complete the Stress Cycle

Leading mind-body expert @gabormatemd says, “When you shut down emotion, you're also affecting your immune system, your nervous system. So the repression of emotions, which is a…

The Power of Positive Self-Talk

“Words are singularly the most powerful force available to humanity. We can choose to use this force constructively with words of encouragement, or destructively using…

How to Get Your Loved Ones to Jump On the Wellness-Wagon With You

When you begin to take better care of yourself, it is completely normal to want your family and loved ones to be on board. Honestly…

Tired of ‘Managing’ Your Stress?

The majority of people living on this planet are currently feeling stressed and overwhelmed, and to remedy these feelings, most are seeking the latest stress…

Emotions and Our Relationship with Food – with Lisa Schlosberg

“If you’re eating when your body is not physically hungry, it doesn’t mean the hunger isn’t real, it just means the hunger isn’t physical.” -…

What Motivates Your Health Journey: Love or Fear?

Are You Motivated by Fear or by Self-Love? Most people’s motivation to eat better, move more, drink less, etc. comes from a place of FEAR.…

The Hidden Power of Healing Your Nervous System

IT PAINS ME to witness so many health practitioners and individuals in this field continuing to focus solely on treating symptoms. It's become all too…

Reframing the Belief “I Don’t Have Time to _____”

Every thought we have carries its own unique frequency. Our thoughts act as signals that we emit into the universe, and these signals play a…