
My Favorite Healing Tool (Aside from the Mind)

Studies show regular sauna use decreases the risk of all-cause mortality by 40%! This means that regular sauna use decreases the risk of EVERY DISEASE ACROSSS THE BOARD by at least 40%! No other health hack or tool surpasses the proven health benefits of a sauna. Period.

Check this out!

Frequent sauna use is associated with:
  • 50% lower risk of fatal heart disease
  • 60% lower risk of sudden cardiac death
  • 51% lower risk of stroke
  • 48% lower risk of hypertension
  • 60% lower risk of Alzheimer’s & dementia
  • 86% reduction in tumor volume in 30 days
Additional health benefits:
  • Removes chemicals & heavy metals from the body: The accumulation of chemicals and heavy metals in the body has been linked to various diseases, including cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, autoimmune diseases, and more.
  • Improves blood circulation & oxygenation: As body temperature rises, blood vessels dilate, enhancing blood flow and promoting optimal cellular function. This increased circulation facilitates nutrient and oxygen delivery, thereby boosting the body’s ability to heal.
  • Increases metabolic rate: Sauna use can elevate heart rate by up to approximately 30%. Regular sauna sessions also raise caloric expenditure, accelerating fat burning and demonstrating an increase in metabolic rate by 25% or more.
  • Promotes healthier & younger-looking skin: Regular sauna use enhances skin hydration and appearance. When combined with red light therapy, far infrared saunas can stimulate collagen production, reducing the visibility of wrinkles and fine lines.
  • Lowers stress & helps balance the nervous system: Regular sauna use and chromotherapy (light therapy) encourage the body to shift from “fight or flight” to “rest and digest,” facilitating self-repair and recovery from stress. Reducing the body’s toxic load also contributes to stress reduction.
  • Boosts immunity: Elevating the body’s core temperature is a highly effective means of eliminating harmful bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. Some studies suggest that regular sauna use reduces the incidence of colds and flu by 65%.
  • Lowers inflammation: Inflammation is a precursor to many pains and diseases. Infrared sauna use has been shown to decrease inflammation significantly, thereby reducing the risk of chronic pain and various diseases.
  • Improves brain health: Regular sauna use increases the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a compound that promotes the growth of new brain cells. This enhancement has been associated with improved memory and overall brain function.

Not all saunas are created equally; in fact, there are many that do more harm than good. Clearlight Saunas are the highest quality on the market for many reasons, and it’s the one I use personally. I’ve been using a Clearlight for 6 years, and the health benefits I’ve experienced are endless. It is my #1 health hack that I use!

Investing in these saunas is among the most impactful decisions you’ll ever make for your health. I’m sharing this because they’re currently hosting their BIGGEST SALE OF THE YEAR! And, my connection will save you about $800- $1K. Contact my rep for discount & mention “Life with Kate” at

To give you an idea of how much I love mine, I would consider selling my car and downgrading just to afford one of these life-changing and healing magic boxes. Don’t miss out on this BLACK FRIDAY SALE!

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