
Constantly Trying to Heal Will Keep You Sick

When it comes to wanting to improve our health, there is a fine balance. A balance that, unfortunately, very few have. 
So many health-minded folks are so preoccupied with doing EVERYTHING right, and in the constant pursuit for MORE, or the next best thing! When it comes to being healthy, more is not better. More is more, and more often adds to stress load.  
This can be challenging because we are living in a very exciting time, a time where we have so much new and cutting-edge health information at our fingertips. It’s alluring and easy to fall into the trap of more… 
But, I see this making people sick all the time! I am not immune, as I have struggled with this on my own health journey.  
I know I sound like a broken record, but I won’t stop saying this because nothing is more true: the most effective way to improve your health is to improve the health of your nervous system. Constantly striving, trying to learn and adding more to your health routine is one of the most common themes I see amongst my clients with unhealthy and dysregulated nervous systems. 
These individuals are often “go-getters” who find themselves trapped in a perpetual “fight or flight” mode, using their elaborate health routines as a means to control or escape feelings of inadequacy, anxiety, and a sense of not being enough. In essence, their entire health regimen is driven by fear. 
I’m certainly not telling you that you don’t need to take care of your physical body, because you do. But, I am telling you that this can easily be overdone, and when it comes to healing the nervous system, LESS! IS! MORE! 
I can’t tell you the amount of times I’ve sat across from a client whose health routine was causing 95% of their stress load/health issues. They were inadvertently perpetuating what they were attempting to overcome! Constantly being in a state of fixing and improving sends the nervous system a powerful message: ‘We’re not safe.’ This perceived lack of safety generates unnecessary stress, further contributing to nervous system dysregulation. 

I encourage you to stop spinning your wheels, obsessing, and spending energy you don’t have. I encourage you to slow down and allow what you have learned to integrate and really sink in. I encourage you to stop adding more. I encourage you to slow down, do less, and prioritize the areas of your health that really move the needle, like eating whole foods, moving your body, getting good sleep, and working on improving your mental and emotional health, as these influence the health of the nervous system most. And if you want guidance, come join my Inner Circle where I share the concepts that are the most worth your time and focus, and help to sort through all the things that you don’t need to busy yourself with because when it comes to healing, less is more! 


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