
Daily Practices to Build a Healthy Mind, Body, and Spirit

It’s pretty simple: you either make time for health and wellness or you end up having to make time for poor health and sickness.

To really understand what wellness is, we have to recognize that true wellness is multifaceted. It is composed of mind, body, and spirit. AND, in order to achieve optimal health, all of the above must be addressed.

Here’s what making time for my physical BODY looks like these days:

✔️ Sourcing and preparing nourishing and healthy foods
✔️ Moving my body daily
✔️ Avoiding foods and chemicals that cause inflammation (gluten, dairy, sugar, vegetable oils, additives, etc.)
✔️ Addressing nutrient deficiencies with proper supplementation and knowing what foods my body needs
✔️ Prioritizing deep and quality sleep. No blue light after the sun goes down, red light therapy or sunlight in my eyes within 10 minutes of waking, and keeping blood sugar balanced
✔️ Drinking 80 to 120 ounces of water daily. Adding electrolytes for adrenals.
✔️ Practicing breathing techniques that help me breathe deeper and less. People that breathe less have healthier nervous and immune systems, and live longer
✔️ Daily detox practices (rebounding, dry brushing, sauna, walking, etc.)
✔️ Avoiding toxic chemicals in personal care items (soaps, detergents, cleaning supplies, makeup, etc.) and using clean/non-toxic personal care items

Here is what making time for my MIND looks like these days:

✔️ Meditating for at least 5-10 minutes daily (usually first thing in the morning)
✔️ Processing (unconscious and repressed) emotions using my “emotional detox” technique
✔️ Observing thoughts, practicing being more present, and practicing mindfulness (the antidote to anxiety)
✔️ Observing/dissolving limiting beliefs
✔️ Practicing self-compassion + self-care

Here’s what making time for my SPIRIT looks like these days:

✔ Daily time for prayer/meditation
✔️ Spending time in nature (every or every other day)
✔️ Spending 2-5 minutes practicing gratitude
✔️ Regular self-check-ins to ask myself if there is anything preventing me from living in love, joy, and peace!

Taking care of ourselves isn’t easy. BUT, it’s a lot easier than being sick…

Unfortunately, most wait until they are sick to care about their health and wellness. I know I did!

Don’t wait! Start now! Today! You don’t want to have to dig yourself out of a hole. You are worth the work!

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