
How to Stop Anxiety – A Gargantuan Epidemic!

Anxiety, at its core, is being stuck in a state of alarm due to always being worried about the past or overly preoccupied with the future. This constant inability to JUST BE in the present moment causes so much stress and suffering. Learning how to be in the present moment is how we overcome anxiety.

Here’s where mindfulness comes in—it’s this powerful tool that can literally stop anxiety dead in its tracks.

What is mindfulness? Mindfulness is the antidote to anxiety—it’s essentially the complete opposite. Mindfulness is a mental state characterized by focused attention on the present moment, without judgment or attachment to thoughts and feelings. It involves being fully aware of one’s thoughts, sensations, and surroundings, and accepting them without getting caught up in them.

Picture it this way: Mindfulness, with its main ingredient being curiosity, acts as this powerful remedy for anxiety. Curiosity allows you to explore your thoughts and sensations with an open and non-judgmental attitude. The cool thing is that curiosity naturally directs your focus to the here and now, replacing those anxious thoughts about what has already happened or what might happen with a genuine interest in what’s happening right in front of you.

The key takeaway is that curiosity and anxiety just can’t hang out together at the same time. When you bring in curiosity, it literally kicks anxiety out of the room. By looking at your thoughts and emotions with curiosity, you create this mental space where you can observe without feeling overwhelmed. Mindfulness encourages you to explore yourself and your surroundings, sparking a sense of wonder that basically weakens anxiety’s hold on you.

So, especially when things are uncertain, mindfulness with curiosity becomes this game-changer. It guides you away from those anxious thought loops and leads you down a path of discovery, understanding, and, ultimately, peace of mind. It’s like your own personal superhero against anxiety!

Mastering mindfulness isn’t just a remedy for anxiety; it’s absolutely essential for healing your nervous system, which is the primary focus when overcoming any chronic health issue. I personally practice mindfulness every day, and let me tell you, it has transformed my life!

In my NEW YOU program, I guide you through HOW to cultivate more mindfulness because, without it, healing from anxiety, nervous system dysregulation, and chronic health issues will be very difficult.

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