
The Power of Positive Self-Talk

“Words are singularly the most powerful force available to humanity. We can choose to use this force constructively with words of encouragement, or destructively using words of despair. Words have energy and power with the ability to help, to heal, to hinder, to hurt, to harm, to humiliate and to humble.”
-Yehuda Berg

Our words are so powerful. Much more powerful than most realize. Research has found that our subconscious mind interprets what it hears very literally. Which means that both our mind and body will follow the direction our words lead us.

Think about that! Think about what you are saying and what you are creating. Is it going to take you in the direction you want your life to go? Are your words creating the future you want? Or are your words taking you in a direction you’d rather avoid?

It is important to be aware of the fact that most of us think and talk more about the things in our life that we do NOT want. The things we fear. The things we want to avoid.

Does any of this sound familiar?
  • I’m fat. I can never lose weight.
  • I’m always tired.
  • I’ll never be able to do that.
  • I always get sick.
  • I’m not smart enough.
  • I’m not strong enough.
  • I’m not skinny enough.
  • I’m not pretty enough.
  • I’m not good enough.

Or how about “nothing ever goes my way.” 

When these negative thoughts enter your mind, consider transforming them to reflect the direction you want to go, rather than down the negative spiral you may be heading toward.

  • My body is strong and capable.
  • I can prioritize rest.
  • I can’t do that…. Yet. 
  • My body can recover from illness.
  • I am learning new things every day. 
  • I am stronger today than I was yesterday.
  • I am beautiful. 
  • I am worthy.

Before speaking, take a few moments to really think about what you’re about to say, and consider the impact those words will have on YOURSELF and OTHERS.

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