
Releasing Unprocessed Emotions to Complete the Stress Cycle

Leading mind-body expert @gabormatemd says,

“When you shut down emotion, you’re also affecting your immune system, your nervous system. So the repression of emotions, which is a survival strategy, then becomes a source of physiological illness later on.”

Unfortunately, we live in a society that is entirely disconnected from themselves. A society that doesn’t understand the importance of processing emotions. As a matter of fact, our society often even prides itself on our ability to temper down and repress emotions – the exact opposite of what our bodies need to run at peak performance.

One of the biggest obstacles humans face when trying to achieve optimal health is the fact that their body is literally breaking down faster than it can repair itself.

Why? Because humans spend the majority of their day in “fight or flight” mode. This past few years hasn’t helped. 

Stress hormones are catabolic, meaning they are breaking tissue down, and when the body is constantly stuck in this sympathetic state, optimal health is not possible. No amount of clean eating, supplementing, or exercising addresses the issue either.

There are many things that cause the body to be in a constant state of “fight or flight”. Repressed emotions or emotional suppression however, is hands down one of the MAIN reasons the body’s “fight or flight”/sympathetic state is in constant overdrive! When our body’s remain in this state, our stress hormones remain elevated, and we never reach completion of the stress cycle – thus never returning our hormones and nervous system to its healthiest state.

Repressed emotions are stored in the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind controls the nervous system. The nervous system regulates the immune system—and every other system in the body. The connections are endless.

So, what can we do?

Uncovering repressed emotions is one of the fastest ways to get the body out of “fight or flight”. The best way to do this is to become aware of all the ways that you suppress or avoid feeling your emotions. For most, the list is very lengthy. Humans will do just about anything to avoid painful emotions, and very often it is our annoying/chronic symptoms that we are struggling with that help keep us distracted from having to feel these painful emotions. 

It is also extremely important to recognize the common personality traits that lead to more emotional suppression. Hello, perfectionists, people pleasers, stoics, religious or spiritual people, and legalists, etc.!

In my NEW YOU program, I show you exactly how to process emotions, and move the body out of “fight or flight”! I have found that there is no faster way to achieve optimal health and master your nervous system than uncovering repressed emotions.

Honestly, NOTHING has transformed my health more than this work— which is why NEW YOU is so transformational! Eating healthy and moving your body is a small piece of the puzzle. Mindset + mental/emotional health is a HUGE piece, and definitely the most important!

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