
The Path to Healing

Sadly, many of you will read this and glaze over it, but the truth is if you understood it, it would change your life forever and result in symptom resolution and healing.

Recent research shows that 90% of doctor’s visits are stress-related. I believe it’s a lot higher! I believe that the majority of chronic pain and chronic health issues are caused by nervous system dysregulation, and the evidence in my life is overwhelming.

Once I worked to improve the health of my nervous system, I overcame over 18 chronic health issues pretty quickly. But no matter how much nervous system work I did, I was not able to heal until I stopped fueling the very cycle that is mind-body syndrome or nervous system dysregulation: symptom – fear – symptom cycle.

What most of you don’t understand, and for so long I didn’t either, is that when our symptoms induce a fear response or when we focus on our symptoms, both of these are registered by the brain and nervous system as a threat. And if nervous system dysregulation is at the root of our suffering yet what we continue to do adds to more nervous system dysregulation. It’s very obvious why so much of the world is struggling with chronic health issues. They can be difficult to break free from!

The term mind-body syndrome basically just explains how our thoughts impact our physical bodies—and let me tell you, this relationship is a lot stronger than most of you are aware. And here’s the kicker, it is not our conscious fear or focus that leads to the most threatened dysregulation. It’s actually our unconscious mind that contributes most, as the unconscious mind makes up over 90 to 95% of the mind—once again, making mind-body syndrome difficult to understand and overcome.

When I first found this work, I spent years trying to figure this out, so much trial and error. And then once I did and I was able to remove the fuel source of nervous system dysregulation in mind-body syndrome (fear and focus), I healed quickly. Many of my symptoms resolved completely within a week or two.

The body heals quickly once on the right track. Doing this deeper healing work does not need to be arduous, complex, and drawn out, but you do need to understand some of the complex science and how the way you are thinking about/approaching your healing is a huge part of what’s causing what you’re trying to overcome!

Understanding this and breaking free from this cycle is exactly what has allowed me to heal from my chronic health issues, not to mention the thousands I’ve coached over the years.

If you want guidance, I invite you to join my Inner Circle where I share the insights that guided me on my own path to healing.


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