
The Things That Healed Me Most

Chronic health issues are entirely too common; they were for me for the better part of my life! From about 20-35, I had over 15 different chronic symptoms that greatly compromised the quality of my life: chronic neck pain, migraines, and headaches (diagnosed as occipital neuralgia), tarsal tunnel, plantar fasciitis, sciatica, seasonal allergies, insomnia, gut issues (IBS, acid reflux, constant bloating), skin issues, adrenal fatigue, hormone imbalances, and more! It was rough!  

For so long, I searched for RELIEF from my symptoms, but what I didn’t realize was that I wouldn’t find relief until I found the cure for my symptoms. You see, relief comes from treating symptoms or covering them up, something conventional medicine does well (a pill for every ill), but a CURE only happens when we are willing to get to the root cause of our symptoms. Basically, you won’t get lasting relief until you work on the cure, which, like me, is going to require you to do the deeper work 100% of the time. 

The body reflects the mind, meaning that true healing can only occur when we address the underlying causes behind why the body is manifesting certain symptoms. Until we address and transform the root cause, we cannot fully cure ourselves of the symptoms we experience. 

Here’s a list of the things that moved the needle most in my own healing: 

  1. Healing from past trauma. If you do not heal from trauma, your nervous system will remains stuck in fight or flight, literally keeping the body in a “catabolic state” where it is breaking down faster than it can repair itself. Also known as a “dis-eased’ state.

  2. Learning how to process my emotions. Repressed emotions are one of the number one contributors to disease because they trigger the nervous system, which again makes healing very difficult. The body expresses what the mind suppresses. Learning how to process my emotions unlocked more healing for me than anything else!

  3. Rewiring the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind makes up 90% of the total mind. The subconscious mind is responsible for 90% of who we are and what we do, so if we want to have more healing and empowering thoughts, etc., we must rewire the subconscious. This was life-changing for me as I realized that my entire life was a reflection of what was lurking in my subconscious. Beyond transformational!

  4. Learning proper breathing patterns. We take over 20,000 breaths each day, and the way you breathe either moves you into rest and repair or fight or flight. I can tell you that the way most people breathe is a significant source of stress, and they don’t even know it. I didn’t for years, and once I learned how to breathe properly, this shifted so much for me as it finally allowed by body to move into “rest and repar”.

  5. Practicing somatics. Somatic practices can increase neuroplasticity, which is the brain’s ability to reorganize and form new neural connections. By engaging in intentional movement and mindfulness practices, individuals can rewire neural pathways associated with stress and trauma, promoting nervous system healing, and increased capacity and resilience. Somatics is one of the most effective therapies there is for healing the nervous system! 

If you want guidance, come join my Inner Circle where I share the concepts that are the most worth your time and focus, and the things that moved the needle most in my own healing.


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