
Tired of ‘Managing’ Your Stress?

I want to share with you something that I am currently working on: living a life more ALIGNED!

The majority of people living on this planet are currently feeling stressed and overwhelmed, and to remedy these feelings, most are seeking the latest stress reducing practices/protocols. Breathing. Meditation. Mindfulness. Mindset work. Medication. The list goes on and on!

BUT! What is far more important than “managing” our stress is taking a deeper look at where it is coming from. Sure, stress reducing practices are essential. However, like anything else, the root cause must be identified and addressed in order to REMOVE the source. If we ignore the causes of our dissatisfaction and instead merely cover it up, we will never find true peace and contentment.

We must be VERY careful not to use stress reduction practices as a way to escape from, or dull the pain, of living out of alignment.

Most of our stress, heartache, and suffering comes from being out of alignment with our truth, our authentic self. Yet we wonder why we are feeling exhausted, depressed, and depleted, no matter what we do to combat the negative feelings.

We all have whispers of truth that come to us on a daily basis. Some people like to refer to these whispers as intuition, God, or just a feeling inside. Whatever you may call it, these whispers are in each of us, and it is what we choose to do with them that matters most.

Healing is being able to listen closely to the whispers and then honor them with ACKNOWLEDGMENT and ACTION. Each time we are able to act on a whisper, we reconnect with ourselves and bring clarity and authenticity into our lives. This closes the gap between our internal truth and external action. The result is less suffering and less playing the victim role because we are FINALLY honoring our truth.

Don’t abandon or IGNORE your truth! Life is way too short to be living it out of alignment.

If you are feeling anxious, depleted, overwhelmed, and restless, or have a sense that something is “off”, there is a very good chance that you are living out of alignment with your true and authentic self. No amount of stress reducing practices will cure this— and life is way too short not to listen.

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