
Your Internal State Creates Your External State

When it comes to healing your physical body and achieving optimal health, remember this: 
Your physical body reflects your mental, emotional, and energetic body. Your internal state creates your external state. 
Until you realize this, healing will be a struggle! Your thoughts and emotions have a massive impact on your physical body to the extent that it’s safe to say your outer world directly reflects your inner world. 
Through working with thousands of people over the past decade, I can tell you this: those who heal the quickest embody the most SELF-AWARENESS. The ones who recognize the connection between their thoughts and emotions and their symptoms heal the fastest and most completely. 
Self-awareness is the prerequisite to healing.  
And those who struggled to heal all lacked self-awareness; they did not understand that who they were being and the thoughts they were having were connected to their physical body and symptoms. They were completely disconnected from themselves. 
Neuroscientists have proven that thinking more empowering thoughts has a direct impact on the physical body. We have seen cancer disappear, autoimmune diseases reversed, and many other “incurable” diseases and diagnoses healed. 
How did they heal? They became different people. They wired and fired new, more empowering thoughts. They let go of old, limiting ideas and adopted more harmonious and empowering beliefs and thoughts.  
The physical body heals when we change our thoughts, our stories, and our energy. 
If you’re feeling frustrated with your health or experiencing chronic symptoms, prioritize self-awareness. Pay close attention to your thoughts and emotions because, without a shadow of doubt, your state of being (thoughts + emotions) influences your symptoms. Recognizing this powerful connection marks the beginning of genuine healing! 


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