
Would You Die For Your Loved Ones?

As many of you noticed on Sunday, I put up a poll on Instagram, asking how many of you would be willing to lay down your life for your loved ones. The response was overwhelming, as I expected, with over 95% of you quickly answering YES! Some of you sought more details, but the majority quickly declared that you would.

I stand with you, wholeheartedly, in this sentiment. I, too, would willingly give my life for my loved ones in a heartbeat.

It was heartwarming to see how many of you would make such a selfless sacrifice for those you hold dear. But now, I want to pose an even more challenging question, one that goes beyond the immediate and dramatic act of sacrifice:

Would you commit to getting healthy for them?

CONSIDER THIS: Less than 12% of the US population is currently considered metabolically healthy. And within that 12%, I would venture to guess that over two-thirds grapple with unresolved trauma and mental health issues, while the other one-third engage in multiple daily habits proven to decrease their lifespan.

MY POINT IS THIS: While many of us readily declare that we would unquestionably give our lives for our loved ones, it’s strikingly inconsistent that so few of us are actively taking the necessary steps to live healthier, longer lives for their sake. This thought-provoking question challenges us to truly align our actions with our deepest commitments to those we cherish. It’s time to turn that devotion into a powerful catalyst for change and well-being, not just in words, but in our daily choices and habits.

Love isn’t just a declaration; love is a series of actions. And there isn’t a single loved one in your life who doesn’t earnestly hope and wish for you to become the healthiest, happiest, and most vibrant version of yourself. After all, if we’re willing to give our life TO THEM, why wouldn’t we live our life FOR THEM.

In the end, our willingness to live our life for our loved ones is a profound testament to the depth of our love. But let us remember that love is not a one-way street; it flows both ways. By prioritizing our health and well-being, we not only honor our own existence but also enhance our capacity to love others. It’s a powerful cycle where self-care becomes an act of love, strengthening the bonds we share with those who mean the world to us. So, let’s not just say we’d give our lives TO THEM, but let’s live our lives FOR THEM, because it’s through this journey of self-care that we truly embrace the essence of love and bring it to life.

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