
Why You May Be Experiencing Low Energy

Research shows that over 90% of the US population struggles with low energy, weight-loss resistance, and hormone imbalances.

And like many Americans tend to do, we often treat the symptoms and try to “balance our hormones”, “boost our metabolism”, and take supplements to help with low energy, etc.— all while failing to understand and address the root cause: metabolic dysfunction.

Research shows that over 90% of the US population has some degree of metabolic dysfunction—meaning their cells are no longer functioning properly and producing energy (ATP). Metabolic dysfunction at the cellular level refers to a disruption in the normal biochemical processes that occur within cells to produce energy and maintain homeostasis. This disruption can present in various ways, such as impaired glucose metabolism (blood sugar issues), dysfunctional lipid metabolism (High LDL cholesterol), or altered mitochondrial function. These cellular abnormalities lead to a range of health issues, including low energy levels, difficulty losing weight, insulin resistance, and hormonal imbalances.

I struggled with symptoms of metabolic dysfunction for years, so I took a deep dive into exactly what it takes to heal the metabolism (on a cellular level), so that I could have more energy, balanced blood sugar, happy hormones, and a lean and healthy body.

After over a decade of research and trial and error, I’ve healed my broken metabolism and have since used the same approach to effectively help thousands from all over the world heal theirs too. And what I’ve learned from years of experience is that if you want to have more energy, balance your hormones, etc., it’s going to require you to make changes to your lifestyle, to prioritize deep sleep, to make sure you’re detoxing your liver regularly, to stop eating processed food, to minimize sugar and alcohol intake, to strength train, to process your emotions, and work on improving mental and emotional health, etc. It truly requires a 360-degree approach; there is no quick fix. But once you understand the changes you need to make in your lifestyle and begin to implement them, you will feel so much better, and when you feel better, you’re so much more motivated to take better care of yourself.

The truth is, your lifestyle is the cause of your poor metabolic health, and it can also be the cure for it. It’s always up to you!

If you want to learn how to restore the function of your metabolism and make the lifestyle changes necessary to do so, I invite you to join my inner circle where you have access to a 4 hour metabolic health workshop with accompanying guidebook, workouts, recipes, and much much more!


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