
Are Your Thoughts and Mindset Sabotaging Your Life?

Every thought we have carries its own unique frequency. Our thoughts act as signals that we emit into the universe, and these signals play a…

Does Your Body Often Feel Broken?

Have you ever felt like all the "broken" parts of your body keep accumulating on an endless "to-fix" list? I can completely relate, and I…

Nurturing Your Liver: The Key to More Energy and Better Health

Is your liver in need of some care and attention? Are you experiencing any of the following symptoms? Low energy? Fatigue? Persistent cravings? Weight gain…

Life Doesn’t Happen to Us, It Happens For Us

I vividly recall the day when I visited the third orthopedic surgeon for my chronic foot pain (tarsal tunnel). The prognosis was disheartening—two surgeries were…

The Roadblocks to Positive Change: Understanding Why Change Is Difficult

Have you ever wondered why it's so difficult to make positive changes in your life? What is it that holds you back? The number one…

The Busyness Trap: Reclaiming Rest and Balance

“It takes courage to rest and play in a culture where exhaustion is seen as a status symbol.” This powerful quote by Brené Brown resonates…

How to Improve Posture

Our posture impacts every aspect of our health. To improve posture, we need both a preventative and corrective approach. It's also important to understand the…

The Unseen Impact of Poor Posture on Our Health

Our posture and alignment carry an immense influence over our mental and physical health and wellbeing. Sadly, the importance of good posture is often overlooked…

5 Stress-Lowering Techniques

Often, we find ourselves constantly seeking the next best protocol, diet, or supplement, neglecting the root cause of our suffering. Stress is the cause of…

Navigating the News: How to Stay Informed without Sacrificing Your Well-being

In today's fast-paced world, staying informed about current events and the constant influx of global happenings has become easier than ever. But here's the thing:…