
What Your Symptoms May Be Trying To Tell You

I know symptoms are scary, bothersome, frustrating, and compromise the quality of your life! And I, just like you, spent over a decade doing anything and everything I could to try to make my symptoms go away. 
Here’s the thing: your symptoms are there to tell you something, and if you’re not getting the message, they’re not going to go away… and I know that might be difficult to hear, but I also know the growth and healing that happens on the other side of this profound truth! 
Symptoms are our body’s only way of communicating with us! Once I understood this and started to ask myself what the symptoms might be trying to say, everything shifted! 
It is never about just making a change with your diet or changing up your exercise routine, starting a breathing or yoga practice. Your body is telling you exactly how it feels about every aspect of your life. The way you speak to yourself, the amount of time you spend dwelling on fear, thoughts, whether or not you have healthy boundaries, etc. your symptoms are always talking to you- but you’re too busy trying to cover them up and make them go away to understand what they’re saying… 
After deciphering my body’s own communication and helping thousands do the same, here are some of the most common things our bodies try to tell us: 
I am so tired of you dismissing and minimizing the emotional pain that you’re feeling. 
I’m tired of you always putting everyone and everything else before us. 
I’m tired of you being the person you think everybody needs you to be rather than just being the person that you truly are. 
I’m tired of you not setting boundaries to help protect and honor us. 
I’m tired of never feeling like I’m enough. 
I don’t feel safe. 
I don’t feel like you listen to me, which is why I scream at you through symptoms. 
I’m really tired of you dismissing all your needs. 
I wish you’d slow down. 
I’m hurting, and you’re not listening. 
I cannot even begin to tell you how many times I’ve seen people overcome their chronic health issues when they start understanding their body’s form of communication and answering the call! Your body is way smarter than you know, and once you start to understand its language, she will finally be able to partner with it and overcome any health challenge in front of you. 

If you’re interested in learning more about your body’s form of communication, consider joining my Inner Circle. Each month, we focus on a topic that provides you with the knowledge you need to heal. These are the same tools I’ve used to heal my own nervous system, as well as thousands I’ve coached. 

This month in my Inner Circle’s monthly workshop, I’ll be discussing how to improve metabolic health. Once you understand and address your metabolic needs, you can experience significant improvements in how you feel. 😊

Our next Workshop is Thursday, April 25th.  Come join us!


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