
Gut Health

FACT: When it comes to improving your health, very few factors are more important than GUT HEALTH. Sadly, most of the population has very poor digestion which leads to gut issues and inflammation. The standard American diet does a fantastic job irritating and inflaming the gut. 

What’s even worse is the solution (popping a couple antacids or prescription medicines) masks the problem, eventually making it worse. Even more devastating, most people are totally unaware just HOW much lessthanstellar digestion impacts their sleep, mood, mental and emotional states, energy, hormones, skin, and overall health.  

I’ll be honest with you: optimizing gut health and digestion is unique to each person. There is no such thing as a one size fits all approach!

Here’s a starting point: make sure you have adequate amounts of stomach acid (HCl). Low stomach acid is an epidemic and the result is absolutely devastating. When we lack stomach acid, the food we eat, no matter how healthy, does not break down. When food doesn’t break down, we aren’t nourished.  

Over time, low stomach acid levels can absolutely destroy your health. Without enough HCl, the body can’t properly defend against pathogenic microorganisms. Partiallydigested food stays in the stomach much longer than it should, causing food to ferment and become rancid, which can cause a host of symptoms and health problems such as:  

✔️heartburn or indigestion; 
✔️ bloating, cramping, and gas; 
✔️ constipation or diarrhea; 
✔️ food sensitivities and allergies; 
✔️ dry skin or hair and brittle nails; 
✔️ hair loss in women; 
✔️ chronic fatigue; 
✔️ autoimmunity; and 
✔️ gut issues like IBS. 

Here’s 3 simple ways to boost stomach acid naturally:

  1. Ingest Apple Cider Vinegar.

One of the best things you can do to start to balance pH in your stomach is use apple cider vinegar right before your meals. I recommend taking one tablespoon mixed with a small amount of water before meals.

  1. Chew your food thoroughly and eat smaller meals.

So often we’re in a race through life, and we don’t take time to slow down and chew our food. Take 5 deep belly breaths before eating and chew 30 times before swallowing.

  1. Ditch the distractions.

Multitasking while eating compromises digestion. Avoid TV, phones, projects, and any other distractions while eating. Allow yourself to be fully present and take in all your senses while you eat (smell, taste, texture, etc.).

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