
What Holds Us Back From Healing And Thriving

As someone deeply committed to helping others heal, I’ve dedicated over a decade to studying the reasons behind why people often struggle to achieve their health goals. I understand that healing is complex, and it breaks my heart to see people unable to experience the health and healing they desire. I’ve lived this frustration firsthand. Through my years of research and personal experience, I’ve uncovered 5 of the most common reasons so many struggle to heal: 

1.Healing requires true readiness. Very few are actually ready, and while most say they would “do anything” to heal, their actions don’t align with their words. True readiness involves putting in the work that is 100% required for healing—work that very few are willing to undertake. Healing is an inside job, it’s hard work, and there’s no way around it.

2. Most approach their goals with the have-do be Model. However, achieving goals requires the opposite: the be-do-have model. You must first BE in a different state to signal healing, and then you can finally have what you’re trying to achieve. Most people do this backward. They wait for their healing to feel whole. Remember, it is who you ARE BEING (your state of being) that causes your healing. Most people don’t want to be in an elevated place until they’re healed. Remember, the body reflects who you are, not who you want to be.

3. The majority of the population has a large backlog of repressed emotions and unresolved trauma, both of which trigger the fight-or-flight nervous system and keep the body stuck in a state of threat physiology. When the body is paralyzed by fear, the prefrontal cortex in the brain goes offline, and rational thinking goes out the door. Most thinking is fear-based and survival-based—both of which will sabotage the best of efforts, making it nearly impossible to thrive and achieve goals.

4. Most people’s goals are driven by fear. They want to lose weight because they don’t like what their body looks like. They want to eat healthier to avoid scary symptoms they experience. Somehow, their motivation to change is driven by a place of fear or lack of self-acceptance, none of which will sustain them in the long run. All goals must be fueled by love and acceptance, or they will be extremely difficult to meet.

5. Many lack the belief they can or deserve to heal. Most of what we believe to be true is buried in the unconscious mind and literally creating the blueprint for what’s possible in our lives. It is our beliefs that create feelings and emotions, and our emotions that drive our behaviors, and behaviors that lead us to the outcome of our lives. So, when our beliefs don’t align with the desired outcome (health and healing), healing can be nearly impossible.

Teaching people how to finally address the root of why they cannot heal is one of my greatest passions in life! Uncovering the beliefs that hold them back, and unlocking their body’s innate intelligence is one of the most rewarding things I’ve done in my life! Our bodies are so smart, and they’re made to heal; all we have to do is get out of our own way and learn how to work with them, witnessing this healing transformation. 

If you’re interested in learning more about how to address the root cause of what is holding you back from healing, consider joining my Inner Circle. Each month, we focus on a topic that provides you with the knowledge you need to heal your own nervous system. These are the same tools I’ve used to heal my own nervous system, as well as thousands I’ve coached. 


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