
Healthy Relationships: Why Surrounding Yourself with Like-Minded People Is Critical

Here’s one of my top health tips: Surround yourself with people who value their health. Not only will you grow and learn more, but you’ll…

Life Update: I was 15 weeks pregnant

We found out we were pregnant in January. This would explain the crazy carrot salad cravings and frequent and unexplained tears. We were so excited…

A Key Ingredient In Healing: Addressing Toxicity & Deficiency

TOXICITY and DEFICIENCY cause ALL disease.   If you’re struggling with chronic health issues, I highly recommend you identify what you’re getting too much of…

When it comes to improving your health, more is not always better

A desire to improve your health must be coupled with balance. Sadly, most people lack that balance. Far too many health-minded folks obsess over perfection.…

Breaking the ‘I’ll Be Happy When’ Trap: Why Happiness Is Now, Not Later

I spent the first three and a half decades of my life believing “I’ll be happy when _____ .“ When I grow up, when I…

Why it may be time to reevaluate some of your relationships

Heres’ some life-giving health advice:    Don’t pour into cups that don’t pour into yours!     Feeling drained, depleted, and frustrated with the relationships…

Why positive thinking doesn’t work!

The mind cannot be separated from the body, nor can we dismiss how the mind and body affect each other.   Thoughts and emotions are…


We live in a diet-obsessed world: vegan, paleo, keto, high-carb, low-carb, vegetarian. There’s a constant debate about which one is the best. There isn’t a…

Blue light exposure

Blue light exposure is the new smoking. It is extremely damaging to our health – we're just starting to learn some of its negative side…

Shifting Your Perspective

NOTHING – and I mean NOTHING – holds the potential to quickly change your life than does changing your perception of it!       The…